Michael McCoy is one of Australia’s leading landscape designers and horticulturists. Fuelled by a unique horticultural and botanical education, unmatched communication skills and an insatiable curiosity, Michael is a published author, regular Gardening Australia columnist, and host of the ABC TV’s Dream Gardens.

Michael has led international garden tours of distinction all over the world for more than twenty years, and is now branching out to include tours for those really hungry for further design and planting knowledge.

“I’ve been the incredibly privileged recipient of garden knowledge and nurturing from my gardening idols in the past.  It’s now time to take others along with me on this wonderfully steep learning curve.”

Throughout the tour Michael will call on some of the best practitioners of perennial planting in the UK to help deliver the Travelling Masterclass, including Dan Pearson, James Hitchmough, and Nigel Dunnett.